OpsAssist CisO

The necessary security for all
areas of your business

Security isn’t just about protection; it’s about making the right choices at the right time.

Security concerns are universal, affecting companies of all sizes and stages. Yet, it’s not uncommon for emerging brands to postpone hiring a dedicated information security expert until a costly incident forces their hand.

At OpsAssist, our Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) help organizations sidestep such painful lessons. We’re committed to ensuring that your leadership is well-versed in the risks at hand, understands the potential consequences, and is equipped with industry best practices to mitigate these risks as your brand evolves.

CISO Precision, Expert Strategy

Helps to build security policies and procedures

Assesses company risk and identifies mitigation methods

Locates existing security issues throughout the business

Assists with internal and external risk audits

Launches vulnerability management programs

Ready to take your next step?

Entrust your technological needs to our professionals and reclaim your focus for what you do best. Let OpsAssist handle the complexities.

Contact us and let’s start building something!

We’ll put together a customized quote about your project and work with you to get started on your project. Let’s build something together!




Tel: +1 646 679 7494

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